Medicine and health in Haiti (21/04/2016)

Deficient sanitation systems, poor nutrition, and inadequate health services have pushed Haiti to the bottom of the rankings of health .With 80 percent of Haiti’s population who lives below the poverty line, malnutrition is a real problem. Half of Haiti #3.pngthe population can be categorized as food insecure and even less has access to clean drinking water.  Half of all Haitian children are undersized as a result of malnutrition; Haiti’s healthy life expectancy at birth is 63 years old. But we estimate that only 43 percent of the target population receives the recommended immunizations. Economic instability is increasing the problem. Haiti spends about 83$US per habitant annually on health care. There are 25 physicians and 11 nurses for 100,000 people. Only 1 birth out of 4 is assisted by a skilled health professional. Most rural areas have no access to health care.                                                                      

Haiti has the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS outside of Africa, (2.5 percent of the population). Annually, 5,000 Haitian babies are born infected with the AIDS virus. The disease causes one infant death out of 5 and makes 200,000 orphans. Plus Haiti is largely exposed to natural risk like seism, landslide or even tsunami which is really devastating as much materially as medically speaking.

Les mauvaises conditions de vie en Haïti l’on poussé au bas de l’échelle mondial de la santé. 80% de la population vit en dessous du seuil de pauvreté dont une majorité n’aillant ni accès à l’eau propre ni aux immunisations recommandées. A cause des Haiti #4.pngproblèmes économiques du pays les innovations dans le domaine de la médecine sont très limitées. Le personnel médicale qualifié est assez restreint par     rapport au nombre d’habitant (environ 31 médecin pour 100.000 personnes).                                                             On estime qu’environ 2.5% de la population sont infecté par le virus du SIDA, une mort infantile sur 5 est du à ce virus il a également rendu 200.000 orphelins. Haïti est largement exposé aux catastrophes naturelles (tsunamis, tremblements de terre ; séismes …) ce qui est dévastateur au niveau médical et matériel.

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