Reason of this blog (19/04/2016)

A few months ago when we talked about concrete actions to help the world. A student found the website of the French association “Action contre la faim” who helps people suffering from malnutrition in different countries. A few weeks after, a stakeholder came in our class to talk about their actions, she talked about what they did last year in Haiti to help the malnourished population. So our teacher decided to make us create a blog about this country and inform people about the problems they’re facing.

Logo Action Contre la faim.png

We talked a lot about Haiti in the media in 2010 after the disastrous earthquake that destroyed everything, but the living condition were already really bad before this. Only 11% of the people living in the country side have access to electricity against 63% in the city. A lot of people earn less than 2 dollars a day (which is obviously not enough to eat correctly). It is also south America's most unequal land, 20% of the population own 64% of the total wealth while 20% of the poorest population barely own 1%. Some people have to walk 2 hours to get clean water. A lot of children also suffer of malnutrition, the French association “ Action contre la faim” helps them by giving them the right medicine and taking care of them.

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